Message From the Chair

April, 2024

Dear Aviation Section Members 2024:

I am honored to serve as your chair this year.  It’s a very exciting year for the Aviation Section! Aviation Law is now a recognized specialty by the State Bar of Texas, making Texas lawyers eligible,  for the first time ever, for Board Certification.

We continue to work to grow our membership and hope to expand our section with lawyers practicing the various types of Aviation Law, not only transactional and litigation, but also the rare niche types of aviation specialties like international, compliance, regulatory and space law.  Annually, we award a scholarship to a deserving law student. Our hope is to spark interest in the younger generation of lawyers through mentorship and to afford them the opportunity to access the resources they need.

It’s going to be a great year of growth for our Section. If you have any questions or concerns about the Section or are interested in joining, please do not hesitate to contact me at


Kerry Adams
Chair, Aviation Law Section
State Bar of Texas